Yesterday, Saturday 2nd May 2020, should have been our 1st of our 2 open days of the woodland, but with the Coronavirus situation, there were no celebrations of the day.
Flowers from a Bramley Apple tree One of the Bramley Apple trees in The Glade
However, light maintenance still needs to take place, including checking on the bees, the pond, the recently planted saplings and to make sure all is well. Just 2 people were in the woodland to make sure physical distancing was observed.
Bugle plants in full flower A Colombine in the Oak Glade area
As usual, weeding and watering were undertaken, including the removal of dozens of invasive, garden escape Three Cornered Leek plants, bramble removal, green alkanet removal and topping up the pond with rainwater.
Non-native and highly invasive Three-Cornered Leeks A good clump of English Bluebells
Butterfly resting on a pear tree’s leaf Emerging ferns