The predicted strong winds hadn’t arrived when we started work and we started to continue the work from last month. With our usual good mixture of volunteers and committee members, we concentrated on removing brambles from the mini Glade. April and May are when we can get at the roots of the small plants before they start to grow and swamp the more delicate species, such as bluebells and primroses.

More saplings, including hawthorn as in the below photo, were planted along the boundaries and those previously planted are already starting to quickly grow in to a good, wildlife-friendsly habitat.

On the lower levels of the woodland, work continued to take the smaller branches of fallen and felled trees to create piles of dead wood. The below photo shows such a habitat that was started in February.

Of course, it’s also a pleasure to be in the woodlands and see the season change. The pear tree blossom in the below photo makes the tree appear to be covered in snow!