Volunteer Day – Saturday 5th September 2015

Our last volunteer session was on September 5th. Rain and dark clouds didn’t make a promising start, but we had 7 people today, including a first time volunteer! The focus today was to put in more steps for the internal path and more weeding and tidying up of the access routes inside the woodland in preparation for our Grand Public Opening on Sunday 4th October.

Volunteers standing in front of newly created steps.

Volunteers standing in front of newly created steps.


The photos show volunteers standing in front of our newly constructed steps.  The steps now start near the recently added gate next to the Seren Park Gardens car part and are almost at the top of the woodland, where the topography flattens out.





Also is a view of the fruit trees of the glade, a fully grown pear as well as one that has been part eaten.  It’s an amazing thought that we have now fully fruiting trees so soon after being planted and is a testament to our hard work and ongoing maintenance of this area by looking after our plants.

General view of The Glade

General view of The Glade

Fully grown pear fruit

Fully grown pear fruit

Fully grown pear - mostly eaten!

Fully grown pear – mostly eaten!








The final 3 photos below show the strong growing plants in The Glade area that we planted at the end of 2014. These wild flowers are now starting to become established..

Foxglove from The Glade

Foxglove from The Glade

Plants from last Autumn's planting

Plants from last Autumn’s planting

Geranium from The Glade

Geranium from The Glade

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