Volunteer Morning – Sunday 7th July 2024

Luckily the predicted bad weather didn’t arrive today, just the occasional light shower and no dark skies at all. The last few weeks of seemingly constant rain has been good for the plants. During our usual “bramble bashing”, some of the stems were a challenge to the secateurs! The below photo shows members of the local Good Gym attacking brambles in the Oak Glade area.

Young tree planting took place with new hazels being bedded in.

Committee member Jerry Avis can be seen in the accompanying photos fixing one of the broken steps at the entrance of the woodlands.

Finally, during the Greenwich & Bexley Hospice Event a few days ago, the apple trees had started to “self-thin” themselves out. While a few more were on the ground, so far there seems a good crop remaining on the trees.

The plants are really growing at the moment. It’s the turn of hogweeds to really stand and with heights of 4 or 5 feet, they are unmissable. Beetles, wasps, bees and flies are appreciate their small, white flowers.

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