Category Archives: Open Days

Summer Picnic – Sunday 23rd June 2019

Our latest Summer Party took place in The Glade on Sunday. On Sunday lunchtime, our 2nd Picnic in the Woodland started. Committee members and volunteers came with food, drink and good conversation and appreciated the woodland without the need to do any work!

Good conversation and good food
Committee members and volunteers brought plenty of food to share
Plenty of time for a drink!
However, some of our free raspberries were just as welcome as our bought items.

Autumn Open Day – Sunday 7th October 2018

Our early Autumn Open Day once again continued to attract many people, our list of attendees showed that around 200 people visited on the space of 3 hours, some before we officially opened at 2pm! Those of you who remember how cold the mid-Spring Open Day was were no doubt relieved that the previous day’s heavy rain didn’t continue, and a warm and dry day allowed for many visitors who hadn’t been to the woodland before to fully explore the place.

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Open Day – Sunday 29th April 2018

A week to the day after the hottest London Marathon Sunday on record, we held the Open Day in the Woodlands on one of the coldest days imaginable. No rain but a bitter wind and low temperatures.

So we were delighted and surprised by the number of people, and in particular families with young children, who visited the Woodlands.  Between 60 and 70 attended and a good time was had by all. Cakes and snacks were available from a stall in the glade under a tarpaulin which (erected without Rich’s assistance) it had taken other members of the committee a considerable time to erect in the morning. Luckily the wind was not that strong, or we might have lost it.

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Spring 2017 Open Day

Westcombe Woodlands are proud to announce that our first open day of 2017 will take place on Sunday 30th April, from 2:00pm until 5:00, this being the early May Bank Holiday weekend. Come along to enjoy the woodland in the afternoon. Stout footwear is recommended. You will have the opportunity to see the work that we have been undertaking over the last few months including seeing how the pond we built in Summer 2016 is developing.

Open Day April 2017

Second Successful Open Day for Westcombe Woodlands

Our second open day took place in the afternoon of Saturday 7th May 2016.  Our afternoon session allowed more than 100 people to see for themselves the work that has taken place since the last open day 6 months earlier.  The warmth of Spring was definitely felt in the woodland, allowing early flowering plants to take advantage of the open woodland canopy.

The photos below 2 areas of woodland plants in The Glade area; the first shows a patch of recently planted common bluebells that are already well developed and with regular maintenance will continue to spread; the 2nd shows a patch of woodland plants we planted as small plugs 2 years ago.  All are growing well in the conditions offered.

Newly planted bluebells in full bloom

Newly planted bluebells in full bloom

Woodland plants in The Glade

Woodland plants in The Glade






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